Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How long it takes for Broken Bones / Fractures to Heal

The following is a rough estimate to HOW LONG IT WILL TAKE FOR YOUR BROKEN BONE TO HEAL in a cast. Remember that if you smoke or drink alcohol hard, this time will be longer because of these poisons.

Bone Broken ---- Time for it to Heal
Collar bone ---- 3-8 weeks
Scapula - shoulder blade ---- 3 weeks
Upper arm ---- 4 weeks
Lower arm ---- 6 weeks
Wrist ---- 3 - 8 weeks
Fingers ---- 3 weeks
Pelvis ---- 2 - 6 weeks
Upper leg ---- 12 weeks
Knee ---- 3 weeks
Lower leg ---- 6-8 weeks
Ankle ---- 6 weeks
Foot ---- 3 - 12 weeks
Toes ---- 3 weeks

Legs take so long to heal because they have to support the full weight of your body so they need to be pretty sturdy before you can resume using 'em.
Source: http://www.doctorsecrets.com/your-bones/time-to-heal-broken-bone.htm

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Anonymous said...

After the cast is off and you've had physical therapy, how long before you are back to normal. I broke my ankle in Nov.07 and still have some swelling in that foot and ankle (a shoe size larger). Also still have some limits to mobility. Any help....

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